Observations on life & art and the inspirations I see around me

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Lu and I spent the morning communicating via phone and fax to do our submission to Tactile Architecture. She is a great writer and took on the task of putting all the required details together. I am very grateful as my brain is compromized by seasonal allergies. Everything is on it's way and now we wait until March to hear the verdict. The process of working with a friend with complementary talents has been exciting and invigorating. We hope to get started on another piece soon.

There is a feeling of anticipation as we wait for spring. Today started grey & dreary before clearing a bit by midafternoon. We haven't had a bad winter so I'm not complaining too much. I can take cold but don't like dreary being very effected by light. I do need to remember that last year we got our biggest snow in March so this time of year is a lesson in patience. I only spent a bit of time outside today and got my smiles from Valentine & Hobbs, our exemplerary resident grass munchers. Here they are on Sunday with a treat of strawberry tops.
Sunday afternoon Ashley and I dyed yarn at the Winter Fiber Fest. I'd never used Jacquard Acid dyes before. The colors were bright and bold with hardly any washout. Here's Ashley's in process and mine below after rinsing yesterday and drying in the wind. We both want to give it another try.

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