Observations on life & art and the inspirations I see around me

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


In case you're looking for more ways to donate to Haiti relief, go over to ebay and bid on the lovely ring Ashley has donated.  100% of the proceeds go to Global Giving. Thomasin Durgin of Metal Riot has organized the auction.  There are 50 rings so that's 50 opportunities to give.

The sun is shining!  What an absolute thrill after what seems like weeks of grey.  I'll be inside most of the day but my mood immediately brightened when I saw the difference in the light...definitely an opportunity to smile.

I start physical therapy today for my knee.  It's a new opportunity for me to get in better shape.  Whatever I learn, I have a new resolve to get fit.  

Ashley is coming today to help me list things on etsy and giving me an opportunity to work on new art.  Hope your day is full of great opportunities.
The last week was full of opportunity for hugs.  I have to end with a picture of one of the greatest joys of my life.  Hope she makes you smile. 

1 comment:

Susan Lenz said...

Thanks so much for the lovely comment on Blues Chapel and Last Words. It means the world to mean to hear from people like you who truly understand the labor of love, the miles of stitches, and the special place for fibers in our hearts. Congratulations, too, on the Tuesday Tote!