Observations on life & art and the inspirations I see around me

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Exciting News

The Tote put together by Lyric Kinard with my fabrics included sold yesterday for $250 in the Tote Tuesday fundraiser.  That's $250 for American Cancer Society. There will be lots more Totes to come on Tuesdays through March so check it out.

The second good news is that Karlie arrived last night for a visit.  She came with her Mommy & Dad.  She and Mommy are staying with us while Dad left this afternoon to go snowboarding for a few days. 

They arrived in time for everyone to go to Jane Ruestmann's opening at Oxide Gallery in Denton.  Jane is one of the featured artists for Feburary and there is still some beautiful work to be had there even with what looked like very brisk sales last night.  Congratulations Jane.  Karlie is already a collector, having a piece over her crib.  You can't start too early building art appreciation.  Finally, I got a great message last night from our God son telling me that he's decided to major in art and teach HS Art.  That makes me proud for whatever small influence I may have had in that decision.  Exciting.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Connie! sounds like a great week!

Gretchen Schermerhorn said...

Hi Connie,
What a cutie little karlie is! Hope you all have a good visit!