I always enjoy seeing where people create. Here is the view as you enter my "studio". Normally it's hard to see the floor for the layer of scraps. Yesterday I decided to clean and create a bit of order so that I can jump right in when I return. I know I'll be full of new inspiration.
I will work at Quilt Market, visit family & friends (I lived there 38 years), and hopefully take in the fabulousness of Festival without major shopping insanity (I joke that I could be locked up here for 20+ years and not run out of materials). That's Miss Meowgie standing guard at the foot of the machine. I think she knows I'm taking it with me.Several folk in northern climates have lately posted lovely pictures of fall colors. Here is the North Texas version. These giant Coreopsis burst forth in Oct. and are taking over the flower beds and gardens since first planted 4 years ago. All summer they look like weeds but now I know to look forward to cooler days and their warm yellow exuberance.